Saturday, September 24, 2011

Gecko Mating

Usually, when a male is confronted by a female ready to breed, he will begin to stalk her. He may rapidly vibrate his tail, or begin waving it about and scent marking. He'll slowly get near and will then bite the female, often at the base of the tail. He'll then take rapid nips, moving forward a little with each bite in hopes of achieving a neck hold on the back or side of the neck.
If the female accepts him, he'll curl his tail under that of the female and copulation will take place. This usually lasts a very short time, and the male can usually be seen cleaning himself immediately after they separate. While I'm not sure how she does it, sometimes a female will reject the male. Usually the male understands this 'NO' signal and releases the female. Don't worry if this happens, he'll try again later and eventually she will be ready. In fact, he'll mate with the female several times during the breeding season, fertilizing many sets of eggs

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